I had the opportunity to sit in on my oldest sons Remembrance Day assembly at school yesterday. It took me back to my elementary school days as I vividly remember the solemness of the Remembrance Day assembly. The children were told not to clap or talk out during the assembly to show their respect to those who have given their lives for us in the name of freedom.
A special person from different facets of the community were asked to come to the front and lay a wreath in honor of those fallen. Tears welled up in my eyes when the elderly gentleman that represented the veterans made his way up the the front on the arm of the Principal of the school. Emotions continued as the RCMP officer, dressed in his full red serge marched up the the front to lay his wreath, he stepped back and saluted, it was very moving.
I explained to my children today the significance of Remembrance Day. My youngest, at 3, doesn't quite understand but my oldest who is 6 does. He knows that it is important to wear a poppy and to take a moment of silence to remember the men and women who fought and who are currently fighting for us to keep our country safe.
Today We Remember.
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