In my shopping heaven,
Stroller Strides is a total fitness program for moms that they can do with their babies. It's a great workout for any level of exerciser. The classes are equally beneficial for babies as the instructors will weave songs through the workout and incorporate activities to make it fun. Stroller Strides allows women to exercise in a social atmosphere and children can benefit from watching their moms participate.
The class will be taught by Anne-Louise Parry, a BCRPA Certified Group Fitness Instructor who specialized in pre and post natal fitness. The class will entail a 45 minute power circuit and end with a core-strength section and a stretch.
At the commencement of the program, the participants will be weighed and measurements taken at chest, hips and thighs. A photography will be taken at the start and finish at the end of the 12 week session. Each of the mom participants will keep a diary and will be accountable to their Lean Mommy partners for their actions each week.
Check back on the Stroller Strides Richmond blog for updates on how the Lean Mommy's are doing! If you are interested in the class, you can check out the Stroller Strides Richmond website or email aparry@strollerstrides.net for more information.
In Stride,
Mix together the bread coating with salt & pepper to taste. Dip fish fillets into the flour, shake well to remove excess, then into egg, and finally into the bread coating mixture until evenly coated. Place on baking sheet lined with parchment. Cook 12-15 minutes until cooked through and golden.
To prepare the Chips:
Scrub and slice potatoes, yams or sweet potatoes into wedges. Toss lightly with olive oil. Arrange wedges in single layer, sprinkle with salt. Cook 45 minutes, turning occasionally, until golden and crisp.
So we you get your next craving for fish & chips, remember to give this a try, your heart and your waistline will thank you.
In good health,
This particular craft is great this time of year because it's quick & easy and makes a wonderful little home-made gift for friends & relatives.
How to make it: Take heavy card stock or cardboard and cut it into a picture frame or better yet, use popsicle craft sticks or purchase a inexpensive wooden frame from Ikea, The $1 Store or Michael's (they are usually only $1 or $2). Let the kids color or paint it. Then they can glue on the buttons. When finished write "Cute as a Button" on it and then add a cute picture of your child.
Lulu Ladies & Babies Powered by Stroller Strides hosts lots of fun & unique craft playdates where the moms can get together, have a coffee & chat while they make a fun keepsake craft. If you are not already a member, make sure you check us out, just click on the link above.
Like most of my mommy friends, I like to talk about the things I like. I always find that most of the items I buy and the services that I use come from recommendation from those around me, my friends.
A post on our Lulu Ladies & Babies Powered by Stroller Strides message board about Holiday cards led me to this wonderful little site called Smilebox. One of the moms in the group has decided this year to use the Internet to send her family & friends a holiday greeting. She posted something about Smilebox so I though I would check it out and I'm so glad I did!
A little about Smilebox:
Smilebox makes scrapbooking fun, easy and free! Share birthdays, holidays, special occasions, vacations, family time and more in our many fabulous designs. Choose from hundreds of digital scrapbooking layouts from leading designers including Making Memories, K & Co. and design by dani. Just add your photos, words, music, even videos, to make an online scrapbook. With Smilebox, free scrapbooking is that easy! Email your online scrapbook to friends and family, or post it to your blog. So make this a year to remember with Smilebox scrapbooks!
In minutes, I whipped up the Smilebox you see above this post. It was very easy and just took me a few clicks. Take a moment to surf on over and check it out.
When it comes to holiday cards for this year, I still plan to send them out the old fashioned way. But in this day and age of busy schedules and going green environmental movement, I believe that this is a great way to let those you care about know that you are thinking of them this holiday season.
Our Stroller Strides Richmond class was featured on The Soapbox Mama blog. Make sure you check out the video (you may just recognize some familiar faces!) and read the article. While you are there check out the article Anne-Louise and Susan wrote for the blog , Making Everyday a Workout For Mom.
A few responders were very honest and said the candy is what it's all about. One of the responses read, "really Halloween is all about the candy. I wouldn't do a birthday party without a birthday cake, and it wouldn't be Halloween without candy." I also like the honesty of, "I give out candy, too. Then I pull a little bit out of my daughter's bag for her to have and take the rest to work. Better my co-workers get fat than my kid."
I for one, applaud those who are thinking about this and offering an alternative. My boys have been avid trick-or-treaters for a few years now. We live on a small street, they only visit a handful of houses and still seem to come home with an arsenal of chocolate bars, chips, jujubes, rockets and lollipops. I also still like the idea of candy at Halloween. I am big on tradition and to me Halloween trick-or-treat and mini chocolate bars are entwined in tradition.Chocolate milk contains the same nine essential nutrients as white milk. Flavored milk provides calcium, protein, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin B12, potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin and niacin.
Chocolate milk comes in many varieties, including reduced fat, low fat and fat free. For example, a 1 cup serving of low fat flavored milk has only 2.5 grams of fat per serving, the exact amount as in white milk.
The ingredients in chocolate milk are much less likely to cause cavities than soft drinks and sticky snack foods. Liquids such as flavored milk clear the mouth faster. Some studies suggest that the cocoa in chocolate milk may actually protect against cavities.
The amount of caffeine in chocolate milk is similar to the amount found in decaffeinated drinks. An 8-ounce serving of chocolate milk contains between 2 mg and 7 mg of caffeine. According to recent evidence, the amount of caffeine in chocolate milk is too small to have a detrimental effect on a child's behavior.
Children who consume chocolate milk did not have higher intakes of added sugars or total fat in their overall diet in comparison with children who do not consume flavored milk.
That being said, I am a little more confident to serve the brown stuff. I think that ideally, if your child likes white milk it is a preferable choice but in the event that they don't drink milk at all unless it's that of the chocolate variety, it is a superior alternative to just drinking juice. In the end, the only case I could find against chocolate milk comes with adding any flavour to milk adds sugar and calories to an otherwise healthy drink.
In good health,
In good health,